After breakfast, Visit King’s Memorial Chorten continuously circumambulated by people, murmuring mantras and spinning their prayer wheels. Construction of this landmark was the idea of Bhutan’s third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (“the father of modern Bhutan”) who has wished to erect monument to world peace and prosperity. Completed in 1974 after his untimely death, it serves both as a memorial to the Late King and as a monument to peace.
Later, visit Buddha Point (KuenselPhodrang). Located a short drive away from Thimphu city centre, visitors can get a panoramic view of the Thimphu valley from here. You can pay your obeisance and offer prayers to the Buddha, the largest in the country. A walk in and around the premises taking in the scenic beauty of the surroundings is a popular activity even among the locals.
Visit the crown jewel of Thimphu, Motithang Takin Preserve is a protected area where
the national animal of Bhutan, Takin, is preserved. A half an hour walk here would unveil many exotic birds and animals to you, who wander around the area freely and in the most natural of habitat. Overflowing with serenity, the wildlife here is exquisite and should be seen once. Located in the Mothithang district in Thimphu, the Royal Takin Preserve was originally a mini-zoo but later turned into a wildlife preserve. The king found it unfair to bind its national animals within definite boundaries and hence declared the area as a wildlife preserve, where the animals can roam around freely.
Visit, Thirteen Traditional Art School, commonly known as “Painting School”, the Institute offers a six-year course on the 13 traditional arts and crafts where centuries old traditions are still practiced. On a visit, one can see students learning the various skills taught at the school and get interacted with the students and their instructors.
Follow the visit to the living national art of weaving, the Textile Museum. Exhibitions
introduce the major weaving techniques, styles of local dress and textiles made by women and men. It is opened under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Mother, Gyelum Sangay Choden Wangchuk, Bhutan textile have reached new heights as one of the most visible distinct art form. The goal of the textile museum is to gradually become a center for textile studies that will carry out documentation, research and studies on Bhutanese textiles.
Simply Bhutan Museum:The newly commissioned museum depicts the ancient Bhutanese architecture which is being lost to modernization. The uniqueness of the structure is in its composition of the materials used. The structure is built reusing old timber, window and door frames and other items from traditional and old demolished houses. The best part is the portrayal of the age-old life styles of the Bhutanese people. You can also try Bhutanese national dress at this Place.
Overnight at Hotel.