Have you tried visiting Darjeeling & Gangtok
A narrative has so long been set in our mind as October till March as the best time to visit Hill stations might change if you fancy your chance to explore the destinations graved at the foothills of the Himalayas during the season of monsoon. The gentle deluge soaking the land evenly spreading the essence of earthy scent is a different glimpse altogether that most travelers tend to miss while trying to catch the rush of spring, summer, and months after autumn.
After a substantial stay of summer, the monsoon cloud starts hovering around the sky to quench the thirst of the land to display the lush greenery the hill station has in store. The brilliant downpours drench the mountain, refreshing the beauty and the birth of springs from the dense woods and elevations indiscriminately overhaul the brilliance of the valley, alleviating its splendor to add freshness to the air.
Destinations to visit
Out of all the hill stations regardless of how sustainable tourism they have, if you have not bicker about the chronicles of Eastern Himalayas and North-East then you have not seen the world at all. The monsoon here is not just a continuous downpour but a celebration for people to rejoice and repose.
The journey itself is an exciting drive to wheel upon, the adventurous turn at every bend revealing the brisk nature dancing like daffodils in scalable valleys scribbles a perfect note of your vacation.
Things to eat
Welcome monsoon with a buffet of local food while walking the street, the steamy and spicy gourmet will tempt your tummy to dig in.
The momo for instance is the most lucrative and mouth warming food to enjoy listening to the drizzling sound of the monsoon.
Try sipping the hot soup basking the essence of mixed vegetables oozing out from the bowl filled with noodles and chutney. How about a quarter bowl serve with an aloo dum topped with bhuja or mimi to drench your sensory with overwhelming flavors
Or the best you could do is help yourself with a cup of aromatic Darjeeling organic tea to accustom yourself to a history that blooms every year in a glistening field of Darjeeling.
We are sure you can’t wait for the monsoon to knock on the door of the Eastern Himalayas and North East because you have so far been enjoying the month from October till March but this time around flip the needle and visit from July till September and soak your imagination with a purity and freshness.